Multigenerational Workforce – Baby Boomers

Continuing with the Generations in the Workforce series, the next generation we are highlighting are the Baby Boomers. Still being one of the most dominant groups in the business world, Baby Boomers have been known as one of the largest generations in history. Expecting a looming retirement, many of Baby Boomers are still working andContinue reading “Multigenerational Workforce – Baby Boomers”

Guest Post – Why Millennials Aren’t Awful

Starting with this article, I’m beginning a series highlighting each generation in the workforce. With this first one, highlighting Millennials, I have a guest writer that is very close to me and also a Millennial, DJ Bond.  Having his Bachelors in English and his MBA concentrating in Marketing, DJ currently manages social media content andContinue reading “Guest Post – Why Millennials Aren’t Awful”