Guest Post – Why Millennials Aren’t Awful

Starting with this article, I’m beginning a series highlighting each generation in the workforce. With this first one, highlighting Millennials, I have a guest writer that is very close to me and also a Millennial, DJ Bond.  Having his Bachelors in English and his MBA concentrating in Marketing, DJ currently manages social media content andContinue reading “Guest Post – Why Millennials Aren’t Awful”

Arrange Your Classroom to Eliminate Blind Spots

A blind spot is any area in the classroom where you are unable to see the children from every vantage point. You should be able to see the children from a standing or sitting position. When blind spots are removed you are able observe all of the children no matter if they are playing inContinue reading “Arrange Your Classroom to Eliminate Blind Spots”


What are the components of a team? A functioning team is a group of individuals that work together towards a common goal with collective objectives. However, a group of individuals working together does not always equate to a team. A group using a constructive process will be more efficient and productive as a team. WhenContinue reading “Teamwork”

The Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect

All forms of abuse and neglect are wrong. I have described a few signs of child abuse and neglect to look for when working with children. Physical Abuse Physical abuse is a non-accidental injury to a child that may include, but is not limited to, burning, beating, kicking and punching. There may be physical evidenceContinue reading “The Signs of Child Abuse and Neglect”

Licensing Inspection Summary Sheet

Are you feeling anxious about your licensing inspection? I have outlined a few ways to organize the required policies, procedures, and postings, as well as, your children and staff files. Having your files organized will assist you in being prepared for your next inspection. This will help to reduce any form of anxiety that you might have.Continue reading “Licensing Inspection Summary Sheet”