Does your center have a written policy for staff and parents related to releasing children to an intoxicated parent?

Every early childhood center should have a written policy with procedures that outline and explain the actions that will be taken when and if a parent arrives at the center to pick up their child, and they appear to be intoxicated or under the influence. Before writing the policy and procedures they should be discussedContinue reading “Does your center have a written policy for staff and parents related to releasing children to an intoxicated parent?”

Are You Hiring The Right Person For The Job? Ways to recruit, hire, train, and retain the right person.

When you hire the right person for the job and provide the needed training, the chances of the person staying at the center are higher. The goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the children by hiring, training, and retaining the right person for the job. A well trained staff will ultimatelyContinue reading “Are You Hiring The Right Person For The Job? Ways to recruit, hire, train, and retain the right person.”

The Importance of Play

The role of a young child is to learn how to manipulate their environment through play. Classroom interactions allow young children the opportunity to interact with their peers and teachers in an age appropriate fashion. Play is important because it provides a substantial influence in every young child’s growth and development. Research shows the linksContinue reading “The Importance of Play”

School-Age Programs are Important

I will be speaking at a school-age child care conference and I wanted to add a blog about school-age programs. School-age programs are important for working parents that are not able to pick-up their children from school or drop them off at school in the morning due to work or other obligations. Not all parentsContinue reading “School-Age Programs are Important”

Are you ready for the first day of school?

The children will be arriving soon and it does not matter if your program was closed for the summer or if it is a year round program. Before you start the new school year take a little time and asses what did and did not work within the last school year and determine why inContinue reading “Are you ready for the first day of school?”