Mobile Infants and Toddlers

Room Arrangements The equipment in the infant and toddler classroom should be arranged so that the quiet activities are grouped together and the more active and noisy activities are grouped together. Each area should be inviting and contain enough space so that one activity does not interfere with another. The toys can be stored inContinue reading “Mobile Infants and Toddlers”

Motivating Your Employees

Motivation is encouraging someone to accomplish something that they may not have the desire to complete. Center directors have to recognize when employees require motivation or in some cases additional motivation. There is not one form of motivation that is appropriate for all employees. The workforce is comprised of various form of diversity: race, gender,Continue reading “Motivating Your Employees”

People Skills

Individuals that are in a position of power must have the proper people skills. People skills are when individuals have the ability to communicate effectively in a positive fashion with their employees. People skills are very important because as we all know it is not what you say that matters all the time, but howContinue reading “People Skills”

Does your center have a written policy for staff and parents related to releasing children to an intoxicated parent?

Every early childhood center should have a written policy with procedures that outline and explain the actions that will be taken when and if a parent arrives at the center to pick up their child, and they appear to be intoxicated or under the influence. Before writing the policy and procedures they should be discussedContinue reading “Does your center have a written policy for staff and parents related to releasing children to an intoxicated parent?”