Mobile Infants and Toddlers

Room Arrangements The equipment in the infant and toddler classroom should be arranged so that the quiet activities are grouped together and the more active and noisy activities are grouped together. Each area should be inviting and contain enough space so that one activity does not interfere with another. The toys can be stored inContinue reading “Mobile Infants and Toddlers”

Play Based Programs

The early childhood field provides many avenues for individuals to make a difference in a child’s life. The task of early childhood educators is for individuals in the field to focus on the development of the whole child.  They have to understand and recognize the importance of the developmental years in a child’s life. IContinue reading “Play Based Programs”

The Importance of Play

The role of a young child is to learn how to manipulate their environment through play. Classroom interactions allow young children the opportunity to interact with their peers and teachers in an age appropriate fashion. Play is important because it provides a substantial influence in every young child’s growth and development. Research shows the linksContinue reading “The Importance of Play”

Are you ready for the first day of school?

The children will be arriving soon and it does not matter if your program was closed for the summer or if it is a year round program. Before you start the new school year take a little time and asses what did and did not work within the last school year and determine why inContinue reading “Are you ready for the first day of school?”