The Importance of Play

The role of a young child is to learn how to manipulate their environment through play. Classroom interactions allow young children the opportunity to interact with their peers and teachers in an age appropriate fashion. Play is important because it provides a substantial influence in every young child’s growth and development. Research shows the linksContinue reading “The Importance of Play”

Are you ready for the first day of school?

The children will be arriving soon and it does not matter if your program was closed for the summer or if it is a year round program. Before you start the new school year take a little time and asses what did and did not work within the last school year and determine why inContinue reading “Are you ready for the first day of school?”


I believe that perception is vital to reducing poverty in the sense that people who have not been exposed to poverty, often think that living in poverty is a choice. Rank (2004) believes that the poor are viewed as being different from mainstream society. There are situations that exasperate poverty such as divorce, single andContinue reading “Poverty”

Outdoor Play Activities

Here are a few ideas of things to do outside on the   Bean Bag Toss Socks Dry beans 10 Empty Shoe boxes Have the children fill the socks with the dry beans. Secure a knot in the top of the sock and roll the top down around the knot in the sock. Have theContinue reading “Outdoor Play Activities”

Outdoor Play

Should children go outside everyday to play? Yes, except during inclement weather conditions. Outside activities should be a true extension of the indoor classroom. The playground is not a place for chairs for the teachers. It is also not the time for children go on the swings and climber to entertain themselves. I have observedContinue reading “Outdoor Play”