Are You Ready for Your Licensing Inspection?

If you are not ready for your licensing inspection is it because you do not feel prepared? Is this your first licensing inspection? Are you new to the center? Or is your program director on vacation? If you find yourself in any of the above mentioned situations I have listed ways to reduce any anxiety or frustration that you may have.

You can reduce your anxiety by having:

  • The required postings visible

Required Postings

All of the required postings have to be posted in a place visible to staff and parents.

Current license and extension letter if expired

Rulebook and copy of variances if granted

Notice stating that the center requires a criminal history check (ICHAT) on the employees and whether the center requires a criminal history (ICHAT) on the volunteers.

Emergency telephone numbers, including 911, fire, police, and the poison control center, and the facility’s physical address and 2 main cross streets adjacent to all center telephones.

Current recall list located on the back of the Child Care Matters Magazine

Typical daily schedule

Snack menu

Hand washing guidelines shall be posted in food prep areas, in toilet rooms and by all hand-washing sinks.

Emergency procedures:

  • Fire
  • Tornado
  • Serious accident/illness/injury
  • Other natural and man-made disaster

Crisis management (posted in a place for staff only)

Each emergency should include the following:

  • A plan for evacuating and safely moving children to a relocation site.
  • A method for contacting parenting and reuniting families.
  • A plan for contacting parents and reunited families.
  • Written policies and procedures

Staff Screening Policy

Screening policy for staff and volunteers, including parents

Detail the process by which you utilize before:

  • The policy has to include that staff shall not be present if they are convicted of sex offences, child abuse or neglect, or felony involving harm or threatened harm to an individual within 10 years immediately preceding the date of hire.
  • The policy has to include that staff cannot be present at the center until there is documentation from the department of health and human service on file at the center that they have not been named in a central registry case as a perpetrator of child abuse or neglect.

Volunteer Screening Policies

The policy regarding supervision of volunteers, including parents.

  • The policy shall include when a volunteer shall not have unsupervised contact with a child in care R.8125(3)(b)

The policy has to include that volunteers will not have unsupervised contact with the children until there is documentation from the department of health and human service on file at the center that they have not been named in a central registry case as a perpetrator of child abuse or neglect.

Discipline Policy

The written discipline policy has to be age appropriate a couple of methods that are prohibited:

  • Excluding a child from outdoor play or other gross motor activities.
  • Excluding a child from daily learning experiences.

School age children should play a part in developing the rules for the class.

Exclusion Policy

A plan for when and how parents will be notified when the center observes changes in the child’s health, a child experiences accidents, injuries, or incidents, or when a child is too ill to remain in the group shall be developed and implemented R.8155(1)

Policy detailing when children, staff, and volunteers will be excluded from child care due to illness shall be developed and implemented.

Written Plan and Policy

Pest management policy is required if applied

  • An annual notification to parents informing them that they will receive advance notice of pesticide applications. The annual notice must be provided in September.
  • The annual notification to parents specifying 2 methods by which the advance notice of pesticide application will be given.
  • An advance notice containing information about the pesticide, including the target pest or purpose….
  • Liquid spray or aerosol insecticide applications may not be used in a room unless unoccupied by children for 4 hours or longer.
  • If you do not utilize any form of pest management a pest management plan is not required.
  • Organize the staff files

Staff files

Internet criminal history tool (ICHAT) Criminal history check

  • ICHAT have to be completed before making an offer of employment.
  • ICHAT’s have to be updated every two years.

Department of health and human services (DHHS) central registry for child abuse and neglect.

  • DHHS clearances have to be completed before staff can be present at the center.
  • DHHS clearances have to be updated every two years.

Signed statement for staff and volunteer at the time of hire and before volunteering indicating all of the following information:

  1. The individual is aware that abuse and neglect of children is against the law.
  2. The individual has been informed of the center’s policies on child abuse and neglect.
  3. The individual knows that all staff and volunteers are required by law to immediately report suspected abuse and neglect to children’s protective services.

Blood-borne pathogen training before unsupervised contact with children.

Negative TB test verified within one year of employment  

 Professional Development Requirements

Documentation of center orientation for new employees R.8131(1)

  • Provide an orientation for all newly staff hired prior to unsupervised contact with children.
  • The center’s policies/practices.
  • Licensing rules

16 clock hours of training annually including 2 hours for CPR and first aid annually

  • Core competencies identified:
    • Child development and learning
    • Health, safety and nutrition
    • Family and community collaboration
    • Program management; teaching and learning
    • Observation, documentation, and assessment
    • Interactions and guidance
    • Professionalism

On-going professional development plan

  • Include all of the training and professional development required by the rules.
  • Maintain verification of all professional development on file at the center with:
    • Date of the course.
    • Name of the training organization or trainer.
    • Topic covered.
    • Number of clock hours.
  • On-line trainings & correspondence courses must have an assessment of learning.
  • Organize the children files

Children’s Files

  • Child information cards R.8143(1)
  • Update child information cards annually R.8143(2)

Upon enrollment  and updated annually R.8143(8)  a signed statement confirming:

  • The child is in good health with activity restrictions noted
  • The child’s immunizations are up -to- date
  • The child’s immunization record or appropriate wavier is on file with the child’s school.
  • Written information provided to parents

Written Information Packet Information Provided to Parents

Given to parents at enrollment

  • Criteria for admission and withdrawal
  • Schedule of operation, hours, days, and holidays that the center is open.
  • Fee policy
  • Discipline policy
  • Food service policy
  • Program philosophy
  • Typical daily routine
  • Parent notification plan for accidents, injuries, incidents, illnesses.
  • Exclusion policy for child illnesses
  • Licensing notebook statement
  • Signed statement that the parents received the written information packet.

Outdoor Play Area

School-age centers operating in school buildings approved by Michigan department of education are exempt from a playground inspection.

Inform the parents in writing at the time of enrollment, if the center plans to use a public school’s outdoor play area and equipment that does not comply with this rule.

A center must provide daily outdoor play if children are in attendance for 3 or more continuous hours per day.

To be Reviewed

  • Fire drills- 1 per quarter January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December R.8161(5)
  • Tornado drills- 2 between April-October R.8161(6)
  • Written fire/tornado logs with date and times of the drills R.8161(7)
  • Documentation that each caregiver have been trained at least twice a year on their duties and responsibilities for all emergency R.8161(8)
  • Current equipment list R.8173(7)
  • First aid kit R.8173(8)
  • Field trip permission slips R.8143 (11)
  • Daily attendance R.8143(10)
  • Licensing notebook

Licensing Notebook  (Effective May 28, 2010) R. 8110(4)

  • Summary sheet
  • Original/ Modification
  • Renewal/Interim
  • Special investigation
  • The licensing notebook has three sections and if it’s not listed on the summary sheet it’s not required in the licensing notebook
  • The licensing notebook shall be available to parents and prospective parents during normal hours of operation.

Licensing notebook maintained and retained until the license is closed


Preschoolers, 4 years of age until school-age 1:12

School-agers 1:18

  • Children 57 months (4 years and 9 months) of age but not yet considered a school-ager may be included in a school-age classroom R.8182 (7)
  • Mixed ages the ratio and group size is determined by the age of the youngest child unless each group of children is clearly separated. R.8182(8)

Preschoolers are 2.5 years until able to attend kindergarten.

Maintenance of Premises

Lead hazard risk assessment in not required for centers that operate in a school building serving only school-age children.

  • Combustible materials and decorations may be displayed on up to 20% of wall space R.8520 (14)
  • Does not include required postings (e.g., license, emergency numbers, etc.)
  • Combustible materials and decorations may not be suspended from or hung near the ceiling.
  • Does not include flame-proofed materials when documented with an affidavit.

Inform the Department

Notify the department within 5 days of a program director leaving the center.

  • Verbally inform the department within 24 hours.
  • Written notice within 72 hours of the verbal notice when R.8158(3):
  • When a child is lost or left unsupervised R.8158(1)(a)
  • An incident involving an allegation of appropriate contact R.8158(1)(b)
  • The death of a child R.8158(1)(c)
  • Fire on the premises that requires suppression equipment or results in loss of life or property R.8158(1)(d)

Center is evacuated for any reason

  • Verbally inform the department within 24 hours.
  • Written notice within 72 hours of the verbal notice when:

A child receives medical treatment or hospitalized for an injury, accident, or medical condition that occurred while the child was in care.

These are the requirements for the State of Michigan. Refer to your individual state requirement to comply with the requirements.