How to Involve Kids in Elections

Voting is a very important process in America and regardless of who you are voting for this presidential election, everyone has to cast a ballot in order to sway the election. Incorporating children in the election process can help them to see why it’s so important. Here are some ways to do that.

Answer Questions about the Election Honestly

When children ask questions about the election, answer their questions genuinely. Explain to them why you believe what you believe in a constructive way, not putting down other ideas. If children ask you about topics that may not be age appropriate, don’t just push it off. Explain it to them in an appropriate way for their age and explain to them how they will learn more once they get older.

Focus on the Electoral Process and not the People

Focus on the electoral process with children and not on the candidates themselves. Children need to understand the overall importance of voting and less of the political opinions or personal attacks that the candidates will use. Always remember that presidents may come and go but the process remains the same.

Take Your Children with You to Vote

If your kids aren’t old enough to vote, there’s no reason why you can’t take them with you to the polls. While you are voting, you can show them what you are doing and how it works and explain things about why you are voting the way you vote. If you make it a tradition, when your children become old enough to vote, they will know how important it is to do so.

Educate Children on the Importance of Voting

If you are a parent or an educator, teach children on what the voting process does and how important it is. Read an election themed book to them or teach them on what previous elections looked like. These simple things can show children how important voting is before they actually have to vote.

Teaching children about voting is the only way to guarantee that the importance of voting continues in this country. Many adults believe that their vote will not make a difference, but they truly don’t understand how close many elections are. This election season, don’t forget the kids and don’t forget to vote!