Born around 1998 – 2010, the oldest members of Generation Z are just beginning to enter the workforce at a young age. Growing up in recession, war, and school shootings, this generation actually has more in common with the Silent Generation than their older Millennial siblings. Much of what we know about Generation Z is still very new and we are only starting to see the trends begin to emerge.
Generation Z Loves Technology
Although Millennials also love technology, Generation Z takes it to a whole new level. Being the only generation that doesn’t remember a world without Google, this generation uses technology faster, better and more frequently than all others. Using this generation to help teach technology that is newly implemented will be very beneficial.
Generation Z is Realistic
Opposite from their optimistic Millennial siblings, Generation Z realistically views the world. Many of the events such as 9/11 and the Sandy Hook shootings showed them that the world is not a nice place to live in and they tend to relate to post-apocalyptic story heroes such as Katniss from The Hunger Games series. They will likely see problems for what they are and not shy away from painful outcomes if they are the best solution.
Generation Z Wants to Feel Safe
Being extremely cautious with their money, Generation Z wants to feel secure in their world. Things like employment security and financial stability are very important to them. Contract positions and payment based on personal or company performance are going to make this generation uncomfortable with the company. Making sure that they know their position is not in jeopardy will be important.
Generation Z Feels Responsible
This generation has a passion for activism and feels responsible to change what is wrong in the world. If there is something that goes wrong in the company, this generation will voice their opinion. They will likely enjoy companies that commit to service opportunities in the community. Understanding this generation’s need to help their community will be important to retain them in your company.
Although we have these understandings about Generation Z, we are still learning about them. Even as we learn more about this generation, we want to make sure to understand each individual before we assume they fit the ideas about their generation. As applied with each generation, understand the person first before you decide whether or not they relate to it.