Does your center have a written policy for staff and parents related to releasing children to an intoxicated parent?


Every early childhood center should have a written policy with procedures that outline and explain the actions that will be taken when and if a parent arrives at the center to pick up their child, and they appear to be intoxicated or under the influence. Before writing the policy and procedures they should be discussed with law enforcement and a lawyer to determine the centers legal rights and obligations.

I had an incident once where a parent arrived at the center intoxicated. I explained to the parent that it was not in her child’s best interest for me to allow her to drive home. I offered to drive her and her son home; a staff person followed. The parent was very compliant and once we arrived at her home; I explained that this situation was not to occur again and if it did the police would be called. The parent agreed and she did not arrive at the center intoxicated again.

Providing parents and staff with the center’s written policy for releasing children allows everyone to be on the same page with their expectations. It is imperative that everyone has a clear understanding of the guidelines that will be instituted in the event that a parent arrives at the center intoxicated or under the influence. The written policy will also provide the staff with the center’s expectations. The staff should have a clear understanding and knowledge of the centers policy so that everyone is prepared if the situation occurs.  With everyone having full knowledge of the center’s policies and procedures the risk of a mistake will be significantly reduced.